We've heard from many of you who missed seeing Old Century Meats at the Farmers Markets this past week. However, we will be at both locations this week. Thank you for understanding! We missed the markets because we were helping friends who wanted our meat served at their wedding reception, and WOW was it delicious. It was not an easy recipe...peeling hundreds of pieces of garlic, rubbing down hundreds of pounds of meat and hand tying each roast...but the result was most definitely a crowd pleaser. Hot, cold, leftover, the flavor kept growing. The aroma filled the kitchen and the surrounding areas and it was love at first bite. It was one of those meals that made people talked about the meat as much as the bride and groom!
We took the time for this wedding because we at Old Century Meats believe that marriage is forever...and ever amen. Marriage needs prayer and support to survive. Taking time to pray together will help any marriage keep anchored in this crazy storm of life we live in today. Taking time to make a great meals that keep your family around the dinner table helps too! We pray that our meats contribute to your family's dinner time memories...and help your family be a witness to all who enter you home, and kitchen.

If only we could add smells to this photo gallery...and samples!